Book clubs generally read a book and meet for 1 day.  Why 3 days?

As a teacher, I know that a person brings her “funds of knowledge” to a text, making connections between what she knows and the words on the page.  The background information I give on Day 1 is designed to activate that knowledge base and enrich the reading experience.  Because deep discussion is the heart of any good book club, I designed Day 2 to guide readers as they explore the themes of the novel.  Finally, I wanted time to really celebrate the book, to relax into it, to dwell on the ideas it contained, and to create something together through crafting. Day 3 exists because I want us to play together.  It has been so long.

Do I have to follow the 3-day plan with my book club?

You have purchased this activity and discussion guide, and so you are free to use it in whatever way makes sense for the group.  A group might use the Day 1 resources individually before the group meets.  If time is limited, the group might decide which of the four themes to discuss and choose one craft to do as they talk about the book.   

If a group is large, it might divide into smaller groups of 3-4, letting each small group discuss a different theme, then sharing out highlights from each discussion with the whole group at the end.